-Charity Kuria-
Remember that story of the bride taking care of herself not to ruin or soil her gown before the groom arrived? What will happen to the bride once the groom (Jesus) comes only to find his bride dirty and undesirable? What's even worse is that the pastor helped in defiling the bride he ought to be guiding wait for the groom.
Jameni, what will happen to the bride once the bridegroom leaves without her? What will be become of the bride when the bridegroom leaves her for another?
It was once said that, at the end of times, there will be false preachers of the gospel. Is this it? The said end of times?
Nowadays record has it that the preachers of the gospel has a dirtier linen to wash in public than their flock combined. These are the same people we (the flock) are supposed to look upon for guidance and counseling towards this journey to heaven.
Am not for the idea that they should be crystal clean and perfect but something close. You wonder why? Because they are the role models. People who have good morals and virtues than vices.
Looking back I admire my Sunday school days. It's either that I was too innocent and obvious of the reality or the preachers of the gospel back then were true. Never once did I hear of drunkard pastors, pastors feeding their flock snakes and grass, pastors raping members of the congregation, pastors killing people and getting away with it, people who declare themselves god. Isn't that blasphemy? Isn't a big sin? I don't know anymore.
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Since when did it cease from being the gospel ministry to gospel industry. An industry where secularists get saved today and the next day we wake up to a hit gospel single flooding the airwaves.
Somewhere in a downtown pub. People will sway hips this way and that way provocatively singing along loudly as they click glasses of liquor with the gratification that "Didn't the son of God change water into wine?"
When I think about it, I hear gospel music playing and just turn off the player. I can't stand them most especially this contemporary gospel music and their videos too, they are in bad taste. Where you find the artist behind the song has a record of controversies that would make the common politician a sick joke.
Yet, from the rooftops they declare with loud mouths how they love Jesus. I wonder what Jesus!
Surely surely I say to thee. The kingdom of heaven is drawing closer. Though not much of a bible reader, the revelation declared things that are happening right under our noses and eyes yet so blind to see.
I have beef with some of the gospel artists and preachers. You pay hooligans to come ruin the peace of a church. They come baying for blood carrying machetes and they draw blood. Innocent or not they draw blood.
You know am told of how our forefathers went up the mountains with burnt offering to pray for rain and the truth of the matter is that on their trip back the rain will bless down their brows. Now, that's the God I seek because he's my true God not some other brought in by someone traveling by ship or train.
In my community it was unheard of for two people of the same sex marrying, relatives marrying each other. Leave alone cousins marrying, it was an unwritten law never to marry from your clan. But nowadays, brothers marry their sisters, fathers marry their own daughters while mothers marry their sons without the society raising eyebrows or as much as lifting a finger.
Not only have they decided to marry own relatives but beasts as well. Dogs, goats, donkeys, hens are no longer safe around man with a knife but without one too. If this is not hell, then what is?
In my culture, once a baby boy was born, there would be 5 ululations and the father would be one proud man and will wash down several throats with traditional beer to celebrate the coming of a heir. Today, no such enthusiasm when that same boy will wish that he was a girl and start behaving like one and even go to the extent of becoming a transgender through surgery that costs not two bucks and will crown it all by getting a man. Somebody shoot me dead if this happens to any son of mine or daughter for that matter. I will wring them dry back to their senses. I would tolerate no such stupidity from my own and from here henceforth even friends I will tolerate none. You can go ahead and hate!!