Ladies at the gents

By Charity Kuria 

I joined the debate club for the sole purpose of gaining public speaking skills but mostly to fight stage fright, having had a double take on the public speaking class without much progress. So on this particular day, the debate club had attended a training forum at USIU courtesy of Kenya National Debate Council headed by one Josiah Adiema Adiema.

We all agree that USIU is a posh higher learning institution. The workshop was held at the magnificent library where to access the facilities you had to swipe using the school ID. Being from a different institution our host put in a good word for us and hence could access the washrooms for instance.

The training went on well and was soon over. We decided to tour the campus and perhaps grab a bite as it was already in the afternoon. You know how it is when you are a bunch of newbies and hating the idea of asking for directions.

Cafeterias aren't hard to locate especially if hungry. Some of us had packed lunch and all they needed was to find the school bus, where they had left their luggage.

The bus was there alright but the driver was no where to be seen. Then without warning the heavens decided to open releasing this big torrents and soon everybody scampered for safety. The buildings proved to be too far away from the parking and the rain wasn't forgiving. You should know that I was wearing white pants which the bouncing soil blessed generously around my feet as I ran for shelter. Remember I didn't know where I was running to. Ha!

Soon we(my friend and I) found ourselves in a bus with a handful guys. If my judgment serves me right, they must have been basketball players if their uniform is anything to go by.

The mafisi pounced on us saying how sorry they were that the rain had messed my white pants, how he liked my shoes etc. Don't forget that they were the same bunch of two-faced pumpkins who were laughing at us running from the rain through the bus windows.

Finally, the heavens cut and soon we alighted the bus and promised 'see you around' to our saviours. At least they were kind enough to let us stay until the rain gave. You realize that everybody ran for cover in different directions and hence we separated save for my friend and I.

Later after going round in circles and a few calls we managed to locate some of the gang members. Had lunch at an upstairs cafeteria and headed back to the bus. Problem is the bus was still locked and the driver still missing. Then, he showed up soaked to the skin(he had gone to town) Upon seeing him we bust out laughing. He looked quite a sight.

Now inside the bus we decided to give the others some few hours before leaving. My friend and I wanted to visit the washrooms badly. Remember, we've been rained on and hence needed to freshen up our makeup. Apparently, the driver is well acquainted with the institution and he gave us directions. We walked away only to return. On the third return he took us there himself.

It happened that we weren't the only ones looking for the washrooms. Soon the washrooms was streaming in with ladies and the mirror space was taken up. When applying my lipstick from the mirror I could see men hovering outside the door but I didn't bother much about it.

That is until our driver said that we had to hurry up as we were in the men's washrooms. You should have seen our faces!!! Priceless!!!

(Kumbe all along the poor guy had been manning the door!)

So the guy brought us to the washrooms he had used earlier! We quickly filed out heads bowed to avoid looking into the amused faces of guys standing outside the washrooms.

From the caretaker(who suddenly appeared from nowhere a mop and bucket in hand) we discovered that the ladies were located on the next floor. Hehehe I laughed all the way to the bus the driver laughing with us.


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