Innocent I was
When you first approached me
I didn’t know how to behave
You said you loved me
I loved you back, intensely
Oh! How I want to break free

You have been guarding my heart jealously
Over a decade and counting
Still you won’t let go
You won’t come physically in my life
Yet, you won’t let any other in my heart
Oh! How I want to break free

They say distance makes the heart fonder
Still they say out of sight out of mind
I believe the former
Your face I can’t remember
But in my heart you won’t leave
Oh! How I want to break free

Any other that cometh
I can’t help but compare
Because in my heart you rule
Your voice I’ve long forgotten
But still in my heart you won’t leave
Oh! How I want to break free

(Charity Kuria)


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