Matatu operators be the best now. Don't you agree?

By Charity Kuria 

Why! They take you tour places you otherwise wouldn't have in your miserable routine. They change the scene for you on your way to and from work when they use panya routes to evade the traffic jam. He will use that road you've always wondered where it leads to and that free ride inside that estate you've always admired from no extra fee!
They engage you in humuor through their (foul) language and will crack jokes that will leave you smiling if not laughing like crazy.

The makanga sometimes forgets(intentionally) to give back the change. Please humbly remind him before you alight. The driver will sometimes give you a ride further than you intended please ask him to shukisha and remember to say thank you! Courtesy demands it.

The makanga will ogle at you as you enter the vehicle calling you all those beautiful names sometimes to your dismay he might be tempted to touch to the amusement of others. Please kindly shun him off and wear your glasses on.  Next time please don't wear so suggestively. He can't help but touch it's like smoking, you just don't feel like stopping yet you know it's bad for you.

Please be nice to him. He might have genuinely forgotten about giving you back the change but hardly ever you paying.
The driver will sometimes drive recklessly but don't blame him he's human too and man is to err even though his is too much and intentional I think.

So, you don't like Classic 105? Poor you the driver LOOOVES it and you will have to love it with him. Plus the makanga might just ask for the volume be turned up. The driver obeys. Poor you as Maina Kageni goes on and on wrecking people's homes and discussing posts from Kilimani mums if not praising a certain product so much such that you want to alight and head to the nearest shop and make a purchase even if you don't need it.
Then thanks to the other route the driver used you are now in town having beat traffic jam. You arrive at your destination in record time with extra minutes to spare. Hail thee matatu operators!


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