By Wakini Kuria

"Its my first time here at StoryMoja." Observed investigative journalist John Allan Namu standing before us under the coconut tree at the nature trail of the museums of Kenya, Nairobi. 

We sat on rocks and absorbed from this well of knowledge standing before us. He spoke calmly cracking a joke herein.

Well, it must have been a destined first time affair for it was my first time as well to interact with this journalist from Africa Uncensored live. 

Below are tips he hinted to a successful news item
1. As a journalist, create a good rapport with the news source
2. Double check your facts. Double check your sources.
3. Talk to people. Listen to people
4. Have couple of sources. File yo
ur evidence
5. Do research and lastly be objective.

He however maintained that, no story is worth your life.  

He was most fascinated by the background music of Nairobi river flowing behind him but was saddened by the state of the river today having been turned into a flowing sewer so bad so much such that, he can't fish from the same river like he used to.
Nostalgically, he took us down a memory lane of when as a little boy with his brother and friends, they used to fish somewhere in Kileleshwa, same river but with clean water that would actually hold and support life.

He handled the Q&A session quite diligently and also added that he will soon be dropping a book with his by-line on it. The session wrapped up with smitten fans taking selfies with the ever humble investigative journalist smiling politely


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