This other side mama knows not about

Photo: Wakini Kuria By Wakini Kuria Living with arthritis is not easy, has never been easy. Joint pains that never seem to cease. If it’s not the limbs then it’s the knees or both. Swallow a couple of painkillers and the relief is bliss up until they wear off and you will need support to move about, feed, bathe or just comb own hair. Simple tasks such as lifting a spoon to your mouth becomes quite a task while wearing a shoe becomes a heavy weight lifting challenge. I am ever surprised how l will walk into a room and take a seat. Several minutes later, when l make about to leave, only to realise that l can’t walk. My mum and l joke that ‘ Diesel imeisha! ’ as she supports me to wherever l was going. Meanwhile, my face will be contorted with pain, whimpering here and there. Long before we realised that red meat was bad for me, my grandpa whose loves for nyama choma and the brown bottle was profound would cut pieces for me, as l sipped soda. Later, ...